Journey to Alison

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Don't listen to the rumors!

Rule number one of this long wait is not to listen or take to heart the rumors that show up on other message boards! Today and yesterday there was one on the Yahoo site that said China was limiting the number of internationally adoptable girls to 13K and that they receive over 2,000 applications a month. At this rate we won't meet Allie for another 2 years! This one I choose to ignore.
This weekend was spent alone with Max while Blair went to play slot cars. I wonder what it will be like when it is just Allie and I alone. Will she like walking along the river, going to the antique stores, hanging out at Joanne Fabric and playing with the silky fabrics? Whoops! Now you know!
As I look around the house I see so much that still needs to be done to get ready for her. So gotta go start on that closet-cleaning task!

Allie's mom

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Welcome to Our Journey

We have established this blog to help all of you travel with us in our journey to get our new little daughter, Allison, from China. As of now, we have submitted our documents to China on February 7, 2006 (our DTC date), and they were logged into the China Center of Adoption Affairs on March 1, 2006 ( our LID with CCAA). Which means that as of March 1 we are officially pregnant! Thanks for visiting. We would love to hear from you.
